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An introduction to our plants
We want to make a living but alongside that we want to contribute to the Welsh economy and show the world that the best product can be a Welsh grown product. We have consistently increased our production by 20% per year for the last five years. We are still a small business though. We expect to supply retailers right across Wales in 2018 but we don't necessarily expect to be your exclusive supplier. You will already have suppliers of herbs and alpines but we want you to give our high-quality Welsh plants a try. If you would like to see our plants please email your details to We will be glad to arrange a visit.
Balm Lemon
Balm Lemon variegated
Basil sweet genovese
Chives garlic
Fennel Bronze
Fennel green
Lavender Hidcote
Mint Apple
Mint Black pepper
Mint Chocolate
Mint Garden
Mint Moroccan
Mint Ginger
Origanum Greek
Origanum Nortons gold
Parsley curly
Parsley Plain leaved
Rosemary Arp
Rosemary Corsican
Rosemary Fota Blue
Rosemary Miss Jessops upright
Rosemary Pinkie
Rosemary prostrate
Rosemary Sorcerers apprentice
Rosemary Tuscan
Sage common green
Sage purple
Sorrel Red veined
Tarragon French
Thymus Archers gold
Thymus common
Thymus Doone valley
Thymus lemon
Thymus pink ripple
Thymus Tabor
Verbena lemon
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